
With the release of Red Cloud v.2, Red Cloud will end its service on March 24th, 2025. Please migrate your project to Red Cloud v.2 before the deadline. Refer to the Red Cloud v.2 documentation for detailed instructions on accessing and using Red Cloud v.2.

OpenStack Object Storage

Red Cloud object storage can be accessed using the following interfaces:

Web Interface

Red Cloud object storage is accessible via Openstack web interface. After logging into the web interface,



  1. To use the S3 interface, first create ec2 credentials for your Openstack account using the openstack ec2 credentials create command in the Openstack CLI client.
    • List existing ec2 credentials in your Openstack account using the openstack ec2 credentials list command or revoke one using openstack ec2 credentials delete.
  2. You can use an s3 client or SDK to access the object storage. For reference, here's a configuration file for s3cmd
     access_key = <>
     secret_key = <>
     host_base =
     host_bucket =
     signature_v2 = True
     bucket_location = US
     default_mime_type = binary/octet-stream
     delete_removed = False
     dry_run = False
     encoding = UTF-8
     encrypt = False
     follow_symlinks = False
     force = False
     get_continue = False
     gpg_command = /usr/local/bin/gpg
     gpg_decrypt = %(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
     gpg_encrypt = %(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
     gpg_passphrase =
     guess_mime_type = True
     human_readable_sizes = False
     list_md5 = False
     preserve_attrs = True
     progress_meter = True
     recursive = False
     recv_chunk = 4096
     reduced_redundancy = False
     send_chunk = 4096
     skip_existing = False
     socket_timeout = 300 
     urlencoding_mode = normal
     use_https = True
     verbosity = WARNING


Red Cloud object storage is accessible via the cac#redcloud Globus collection. See documentation here on Globus access.

Access Red Cloud Object Storage via Globus

  1. First create ec2 credentials for your Openstack account using the openstack ec2 credentials create command in the Openstack CLI client.
    • List existing ec2 credentials in your Openstack account using the openstack ec2 credentials list command or revoke one using openstack ec2 credentials delete.
    • If you have multiple Red Cloud accounts, you can only configure one account for Globus access at any given time.
  2. Follow Globus instructions on how to access files on AWS S3 with Globus using
    • The cac#redcloud Globus collection, and
    • The ec2 credentials you obtained using the openstack ec2 credentials list command in the previous step.