CLI Client: SSH Key Pairs


Red Cloud 2 is currently in beta testing and not available to all users. If you are not a Red Cloud 2 beta tester, use the production Red Cloud instead. This Red Cloud 2 documentation is still under development.

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SSH Key Pairs

List Public Keys

openstack keypair list

Create a New SSH Key Pair

You can either generate and print the private key in the terminal or specify a file to save it.

openstack keypair create <new-key-name>
openstack keypair create --private-key <private-key-file> <new-key-name>

Import a Public Key

Provide the public key file with the --public-key option.

openstack keypair create --public-key <public-key-file> <new-key-name>

Delete a Public Key

openstack keypair delete <key-name>