Install R Packages in Your Home Directory

If you need to install a new R package that's not present in the system, use these instructions to install it in your own home directory:

Initial Setup

You only need to do this once to create the $R_LIB directory and select the CRAN mirror from where the R packages will be obtained:

  1. Load the R environment module:

    module load R
  2. Create the directory in which R packages will be installed

    mkdir -p $R_LIB
  3. Run R and select 0-Cloud [https] CRAN mirror.

                                   Name                 Country              City
    1                   0-Cloud [https]           0-Cloud           0-Cloud
    2                           0-Cloud           0-Cloud           0-Cloud
    3                   Algeria [https]           Algeria           Algiers
    4                           Algeria           Algeria           Algiers
    5              Argentina (La Plata)         Argentina          La Plata
    6      Australia (Canberra) [https]         Australia          Canberra
    7              Australia (Canberra)         Australia          Canberra
    8   Australia (Melbourne 1) [https]         Australia         Melbourne
    9   Australia (Melbourne 2) [https]         Australia         Melbourne
    10        Australia (Perth) [https]         Australia             Perth
    > chooseCRANmirror(ind=1)

Install R Package

  1. Make sure R environment module is loaded:

    module load R; module list R/
  2. Run R

  3. Inside R, install packages like this:
    install.packages('<package name>')