"Really, really, really big" -Steve Lasher
Yes, it is true. After May 21, this web page will be no more. Having completed my undergraduate career as well as the job I had here at the Theory Center, I must give up this important role of asking the immortal questions. But, do not worry for some day I will be back, somewhere. Till then, I bid you farewell.
Send answers you wish posted here to: hds1@cornell.edu
I am currently enrolled as a Senior at Cornell University in the school of Engineering Physics and am currently employed by Steve Lantz at the Cornell Theory Center.
I am also a T.A. for A&EP 110: Introduction to Lasers.
My work at the Theory Center is in the field of computational physics. The
linked picture to the left goes to my pages on the work I do there.
My interest in computational physics started from my SERS (Science and Engineering Research Semester) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I spent my first junior semester as well as last summer there. While there, I worked on simulating a gamma-ray detector.
Although many people like to put their entire life open to the public, I am not one of them. However, I enjoy talking with others who share my interests. For example, I am a rated ace in the strategic space combat game Star Fleet Battles (link below). I also play many other strategic games including Empire in Arms, Civilization, and Titan. I enjoy travelling and have visited all 48 continental states (and some foriegn contries). I enjoy Star Trek, Babylon 5, Simpsons and X-Files (Also E Z Streets, but I don't know if it will be back). I also enjoy writing science fiction short stories (don't look for them, I'll never be published). And on occasion, I have been caught playing collectable card games.
Lurker's guide to Babylon 5: Warning, you will stumble into spoilers.
Task Force Games: Makers of that tome of a game, Star Fleet Battles. On a related note, I just ran a tournament at UBCon which unfortunetly did not get 16 people. So Peter Bakija did not get a rated ace card for his victory with the Kzinti.
Astronomy Picture of the day: Way cool pics like the one above.
Cornell's Strategic Simulation Society: Gaming at Cornell.
Dilbert Zone.
James Hamblin: Including the infamous Caribou Home Page.
Steve Lasher's SLasher Central.
Last modified 5/8/97