News Announcement
High Performance Computing on Stampede 2 Workshop at Cornell University
Contact: Paul Redfern
Cell: (607) 227-1865
FOR RELEASE: December 15, 2016
A training workshop on using the Stampede 2 supercomputer, with Intel Knights Landing (KNL) processors, will be offered in January to the national research community by the Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC).
High Performance Computing on Stampede 2, with KNL
January 23, 2017
9 am to 5 pm EST
There is no fee to attend
This workshop is in-person training on the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. There will be no webcast.
Stampede 2 is an Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) resource located at the Texas Advanced Computing Center at The University of Texas at Austin. This new system will ultimately grow to become an 18 petaflops (peak) Dell Linux cluster based on Intel Xeon Phi "Knights Landing" processors and an Intel Omni-Path interconnect. The current preview phase of Stampede 2 consists of 508 compute nodes. Large-scale deployment phases are scheduled for summer and fall of 2017, bringing the final system size to 5,940 nodes.
The workshop will consist of lectures and labs conducted by CAC staff. Lab exercises will be conducted on Stampede with consultants available during the training session to assist the attendees. There is no fee to attend. Additional information on the workshop is available at:
The one-day workshop requires registration. To register, go to:
You will need to create an account on the XSEDE User Portal before you can register.
If you have questions, please submit them to the “XSEDE Help Desk” at: