Steven R. Lantz
Senior Research Associate
Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing
Welcome! Thanks for tuning in. As a computational physicist at the Cornell University Center for Advanced
Computing, I am interested in high-performance computers and how they
can be used to model, simulate, and analyze the physical world. I have a
special interest in studies of the dynamics of plasmas and fluids. My most
active research collaborations are with teams developing software to
optimize stellarator design for nuclear fusion energy (led by
Prof. David Bindel),
and to reconstruct particle tracks
in the CMS detector
at CERN (led by Prof. Peter Wittich -
feature story).
I also support the computational needs of the
Laboratory of Plasma Studies
Charles Seyler).
For quite a few years I worked with the
Turbulence and
Combustion Group, led by Prof. Stephen B. Pope. Other prior work
has included investigations of basic plasma instabilities in the solar
convection zone, and simulations of diffraction-limited optical imaging through
imperfect media.
In my role as technical consultant, I attempt to use my experiences on TACC's
Frontera and
Stampede2 systems,
Intel-based servers like the Hermes server at LPS,
and CAC's HPC
clusters (including the former CATS
cluster) to help others to port, run, and optimize their own applications on
high-performance parallel computers. I also contribute to training materials for
offered through the Cornell Virtual Workshop
for Frontera, Stampede2, and other NSF-supported resources. I provide specialized HPC
consulting support for CAC's
Red Cloud resources, especially
Parallel Server in Red Cloud.
For Fall 2024, I was appointed as a Visiting Lecturer in Astronomy in order to co-teach
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics with Prof. Dong Lai.
Back in Spring 2010 I lectured on solar physics for ECE 5860,
Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics II, a course that I have taught previously
for the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (most recently in 2007 -
In Spring 2009, I served as the instructor for CIS
4205, Effective Use of High Performance Computing, in the
Faculty of Computing and Information
Science (flyer).
In 2017, I was elected to membership on the Graduate Faculty of Cornell University, in
the Graduate Minor Field of
Science and Engineering.
Published work:
- Latest research papers and presentations:
"Exploring code
portability solutions for HEP with a particle tracking test code," Frontiers in Big Data 7, 1485344, 2024
(with H. Ather, S. Berkman, G. Cerati, M. Kortelainen, K. H. M. Kwok, S. Lee, B. Norris, M. Reid, A. Reinsvold Hall,
D. Riley, A. Strelchenko, and C. Wang)
reconstruction with mkFit and developments towards HL-LHC," presentation at
Connecting The Dots 2023, Toulouse, FR, 2023
(with A. R. Hall, A. Yagil, D. S. Riley, E. Vourliotis, G. Cerati, L. Giannini, M. Kortelainen, M. Masciovecchio,
M. Tadel, P. Gartung, P. Elmer, P. Wittich, S. Krutelyov, and T. Reid, on behalf of the CMS collaboration)
"Generalizing mkFit
and its Application to HL-LHC," presentation at the 26th International Conference on Computing in
High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2023), Norfolk, VA, 2023
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, P. Gartung, L. Giannini, M. Kortelainen, V. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, T. Reid,
A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel, E. Vourliotis, P. Wittich, and A. Yagil, on behalf of the CMS collaboration)
up the CMS track reconstruction with a parallelized and vectorized Kalman-filter-based algorithm during the LHC
Run 3," presentation for the 21st International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in
Physics Research (ACAT 2022), Bari, Italy, 2022
(with S. Berkman, G. Cerati, P. Elmer, P. Gartung, L. Giannini, B. Gravelle, A. R. Hall, M. Kortelainen,
V. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott, B. Norris, M. Reid, D. S. Riley, M. Tadel, E. Vourliotis,
B. Wang, P. Wittich, and A. Yagil, on behalf of the CMS collaboration)
"Speeding up Particle Track
Reconstruction using a Parallel Kalman Filter Algorithm," Journal of Instrumentation 15 P09030, 2020
(with K. McDermott, M. Reid, D. Riley, P. Wittich, S. Berkman, G. Cerati, M. Kortelainen, A. Reinsvold Hall,
P. Elmer, B. Wang, L. Giannini, V. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, M. Tadel, F. Wuerthwein, A. Yagil, B. Gravelle,
and B. Norris)
for HEP Event Reconstruction," virtual presentation for the 40th International Conference on High Energy
Physics (ICHEP 2020), Prague, CZ, 2020
(with K. McDermott, M Reid, D. Riley, P. Wittich, S. Berkman, G. Cerati, A. Reinsvold Hall, M. Kortelainen,
M. Wang, P. Elmer, B. Wang, L. Giannini, S. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, M. Tadel, F. Wuerthwein, A. Yagil,
B. Gravelle, and B. Norris)
[virtual presentation]
"Parallelizing the
unpacking and clustering of detector data for reconstruction of charged particle tracks on multi-core CPUs and
many-core GPUs," Proceedings of Connecting the Dots 2020,
virtual workshop, 2020
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, B. Gravelle, M. Kortelainen, S. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott,
B. Norris, M. Reid, A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel, B. Wang, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
[virtual presentation]
of Charged Particle Tracks in Realistic Detector Geometry Using a Vectorized and Parallelized Kalman Filter
Algorithm," EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 02013, 2020,
of the 24th Annual International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2019),
Adelaide, AU, 2019
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, B. Gravelle, M. Kortelainen, S. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott,
B. Norris, M. Reid, A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Speeding up Particle Track
Reconstruction using a Vectorized and Parallelized Kalman Filter Algorithm: Recent Improvements and
Applicability to the Software Trigger," Proceedings of
Connecting The Dots 2019, Valencia, ES, 2019 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, B. Gravelle, S. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio,
K. McDermott, B. Norris, A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Parallelized Kalman-Filter-Based
Reconstruction of Particle Tracks on Many-Core Architectures with the CMS Detector," J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser. 1525, 012078, 2020, Proceedings
of the 19th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics
Research (ACAT 2019), Saas-Fee, CH, 2019 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, B. Gravelle, M. Kortelainen,
S. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott, B. Norris, A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel,
P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
and Vectorized Tracking Using Kalman Filters with CMS Detector Geometry and Events," EPJ Web of Conferences 214, 02002, 2019,
Proceedings of the 23rd International
Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2018), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, B. Gravelle, M. Kortelainen, V. Krutelyov, S. Lantz, M. Lefebvre,
M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott, B. Norris, A. Reinsvold Hall, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich,
F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Parallelized Kalman-Filter-Based
Reconstruction of Particle Tracks with Accurate Detector Geometry," at Connecting The Dots 2018,
Seattle, WA, 2018 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott,
D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
Kalman-Filter-Based Reconstruction of Particle Tracks on Many-Core Architectures," J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser. 1085, 042016, 2018, Proceedings of the
18th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT
2017), Seattle, WA, 2017 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre, M. Masciovecchio,
K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
[presentation and paper]
Kalman-Filter-Based Reconstruction of Particle Tracks on Many-Core Processors and GPUs," EPJ
Web of Conferences 150, 00006, 2017
of Connecting The Dots and Workshop on Intelligent Trackers 2017, Orsay, FR, 2017 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer,
S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre, M. Masciovecchio, K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein,
and A. Yagil)
"Kalman Filter Tracking on
Parallel Architectures," J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 898, 042051, 2017,
Proceedings of the the 22nd International
Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2016), San Francisco, CA, 2016
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre, K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich,
F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Reconstructing Particle Trajectories
in High Energy Physics with Xeon and Xeon Phi," at
IXPUG 2016, Argonne, IL, 2016 (with
D. Abdurachmanov, P. Elmer, G. Cerati, S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre, K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel,
P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
Filter Tracking on Parallel Architectures," EPJ Web of Conferences 127, 00010,
of Connecting The Dots 2016, Vienna, AT, 2016 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, S. Krutelyov, M. Lefebvre,
K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Kalman-Filter-Based Particle Tracking on
Parallel Architectures at Hadron Colliders,"
Proceedings of the
2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), San Diego, CA, 2015
(with G. Cerati, M. Tadel, F. Wuerthwein, A. Yagil, K. McDermott, D. Riley, P. Wittich, and P. Elmer)
"Kalman Filter Tracking
on Parallel Architectures," J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664, 072008,
Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2015), Okinawa, Japan, 2015
(with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich, F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
Tracking with Kalman Filter on Parallel Architectures," J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 608, 012057,
Proceedings of the 16th International
Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2014), Prague,
CZ, 2014 (with G. Cerati, P. Elmer, I. MacNeill, K. McDermott, D. Riley, M. Tadel, P. Wittich,
F. Wuerthwein, and A. Yagil)
"Large-Scale Parallel
Simulations of Turbulent Combustion using Combined Dimension Reduction and Tabulation of
Chemistry," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 205–215, 2013
(with V. Hiremath, H. Wang, and S. B. Pope)
and Scalable Parallel Implementation of Chemistry in Simulations of Turbulent Combustion,"
Combustion and Flame, 159(10), 3096–3109, 2012 (with V. Hiremath, H. Wang, and S. B. Pope)
Parallel Implementation of Combustion Chemistry in LES/PDF Computations," Proceedings of
the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute 2011,
197-206, 2011 (with V. Hiremath, H. Wang, and S. B. Pope)
"Large-eddy simulation/probability density function modeling of local extinction
and re-ignition in Sandia Flame E," Bulletin of the Am. Phys. Soc., 55(16), LV.0006,
at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, 2010
(with H. Wang, P. P. Popov, V. Hiremath, S. Viswanathan, and S. B. Pope)
efficient implementation of combustion chemistry in parallel PDF calculations,"
Journal of Computational Physics, 228(15), 5490–5525, 2009
(with L. Lu, Z. Ren, and S. B. Pope)
"Investigation of strategies
for the parallel implementation of ISAT in LES/FDF/ISAT computations,"
Proceedings of the 4th Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute,
Philadelphia, PA, 2005 (with L. Lu, Z. Ren, V. Raman, S. B. Pope, and H. Pitsch)
- Virtual Workshop roadmaps (authoring 1/year and revising 3/year, on average):
"Profiling and Debugging"
(October 2023 revision)
"Introduction to Fortran Programming"
(February 2023 revision)
"Parallel I/O Libraries"
(December 2020 and November 2022 revisions)
(June 2022 revision)
"MPI Collective Communications"
(May 2022 revision)
"Parallel Programming Concepts and High Performance Computing"
(March 2022 revision)
"Advanced Slurm"
(August 2021)
"Understanding GPU Architecture"
(May 2021, plus 2 revisions through May 2023)
"Introduction to Advanced Cluster Architectures"
(February 2021, plus 3 revisions through April 2024)
"Getting Started on Frontera"
(August 2020, plus 3 revisions through April 2024)
"Stampede2 Environment"
(discontinued - August 2019 revision, plus 2 revisions through September 2022)
"Case Study: Profiling and Optimization on Advanced Cluster Architectures"
(January 2018, plus December 2018 revision)
"Getting Started on KNL"
(discontinued - November 2017, plus July 2021 revision)
(September 2017 revision)
(June 2017 revision, plus 5 revisions through March 2023)
"How to Make the Most of MIC"
(discontinued - April 2016)
"Python for High Performance"
(June 2015 minor revision)
"Code Optimization"
(October 2014, plus 3 revisions through August 2023)
"Computational Steering"
(discontinued - July 2014 and September 2017 revisions)
"MPI One-Sided Communication"
(April 2013, plus May 2022 revision)
"Introduction to Python Programming"
(March 2013 revision, plus 4 revisions through July 2021)
"Parallel I/O"
(July 2012, plus 4 revisions through October 2022)
(March 2012, plus 2 revisions through October 2023)
"Hybrid Programming with OpenMP and MPI"
(June 2011, plus 4 revisions through February 2024)
"MPI Advanced Topics"
(May 2011, plus 2 revisions through May 2022)
Much of the Glossary
Numerous contributions to
"Message Passing Interface (MPI)" and
"MPI Point-to-Point"
- Technical papers and presentations:
Case Study: the mkFit Particle Tracking Code," presentation at the Sixth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2024), Princeton, NJ, July 24, 2024
to Performance Tuning & Optimization Tools," presentation at the Sixth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2024), Princeton, NJ, July 24, 2024
Parallelism on Multi-Core Processors," presentation at the Sixth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2024), Princeton, NJ, July 24, 2024
Every Computational Physicist Should Know About Computer Architecture," presentation at the
Sixth Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics
(CoDaS-HEP 2024), Princeton, NJ, July 22, 2024
Track Reconstruction for the LHC: the mkFit Project," presentation at the Fifth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2023), Princeton, NJ, July 21, 2023
"Performance Case Study: the mkFit Particle Tracking Code," demo at the Fifth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2023), Princeton, NJ, July 19, 2023
to Performance Tuning & Optimization Tools," presentation at the Fifth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2023), Princeton, NJ, July 19, 2023
Parallelism on Multi-Core Processors," presentation at the Fifth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2023), Princeton, NJ, July 17 & 19, 2023
Every Computational Physicist Should Know About Computer Architecture," presentation at the
Fifth Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics
(CoDaS-HEP 2023), Princeton, NJ, July 17, 2023
"Performance Case Study: the mkFit Particle Tracking Code," presentation at the
Fourth Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics
(CoDaS-HEP 2022), Princeton, NJ, Aug. 2, 2022
to Performance Tuning & Optimization Tools," presentation at the Fourth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2022), Princeton, NJ, Aug. 2, 2022
Parallelism on Multi-Core Processors," presentation at the Fourth
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2022), Princeton, NJ, Aug. 1-2, 2022
Every Computational Physicist Should Know About Computer Architecture," presentation at the
Fourth Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics
(CoDaS-HEP 2022), Princeton, NJ, Aug. 1, 2022 (with I. Cosden)
Parallelism on Multi-Core Processors," presentation at the Third
Computational and Data Science school for High Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2019), Princeton, NJ, July 25, 2019
"XSEDE Advanced Scientific Computing in Python, Parts 1 and 2," presentations for the
2018-2019 Pre-Trainee Workshops at Cal State LA, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 23 and Mar. 2, 2019 (with R. Camacho
Barranco and C. Myers)
Parallelism for Kalman-Filter-Based Particle Tracking on Multi- and Many-Core Processors," presentation at the
Second Computational and Data Science school for High
Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP 2018), Princeton, NJ, July 26, 2018 (with M. Tadel)
"Introduction to Python 3
and Jupyter Notebooks," half-day tutorial at PEARC18,
Pittsburgh, PA, July 23, 2018 (with K. Cahill and A. Gomez)
Parallelism for Kalman-Filter-Based Particle Tracking on Multi- and Many-Core Processors," two-part presentation
at the First Computational and Data Science school for High
Energy Physics (CoDaS-HEP), Princeton, NJ, July 13, 2017 (with M. Tadel)
"Introduction to Python," half-day tutorial at PEARC17,
New Orleans, LA, July 10, 2017 (with K. Cahill and A. Gomez)
"Red Cloud and the MATLAB Distributed Computing
Server (MDCS)," presentation and demo for the Scientific Software
Club at Cornell, May 8, 2017
"Introduction to Knights Landing (KNL),"
presentation and training session for the Scientific Software Club
at Cornell, Dec. 5, 2016
"Introduction to Python," half-day tutorial at XSEDE16,
Miami, FL, July 18, 2016 (with K. Cahill and A. Gomez)
"High Performance Computing in the
Manycore Era: Challenges for Applications,"
CACM Seminar
at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Nov. 17, 2015
"Enhancing the Experimental
'MATLAB on the TeraGrid' Resource," poster at TeraGrid '11, Salt Lake City, UT, 2011 (with D. Lifka,
E. Chen, L. Walle, S. Mehringer, S. Clark and P. Meunier)
"Running Parallel Simulations
and Enabling Science Gateways with the NSF MATLAB Experimental Computing Resource at
Cornell," tutorial at SC10, New Orleans, LA, 2010 (with S. Mehringer and S. Clark)
"The Ranger Virtual Workshop,"
Proceedings of TeraGrid '08,
Las Vegas, NV, 2008 (with S. Mehringer, N. Woody, A. Dolgert, D. Fuller, D. Stanzione, and J. Zollweg)
[2011 update]
- Papers deriving and applying a model for anelastic MHD convection, published
in The Astrophysical Journal and its Supplement Series:
"Anelastic Magnetohydrodynamic Equations for Modeling Solar and Stellar
Convection Zones," ApJS 121(1), 247–264, 1999 (with Y. Fan)
"Two-dimensional Simulations of Buoyantly Rising, Interacting Magnetic Flux
Tubes," ApJ 493(1), 480–493, 1998 (with Y. Fan and E. G. Zweibel)
"Magnetoconvection Dynamics in a Stratified Layer. I. 2D Simulations and
Visualization," ApJ 441(2), 903–924, 1995
(with R. N. Sudan) [doi]
"Magnetoconvection Dynamics in a Stratified Layer. II. A Low-order Model
of the Tilting Instability," ApJ 441(2),
925–941, 1995 [doi]
- My vita lists other publications and many of
my recent activities.
Undergraduate researchers:
Clark Amerault spent part of his senior year at Cornell (Summer and Fall 1999)
working with me on simulations of solar supergranulation. He produced a
report on our
project featuring many nice MPEG visualizations. You may also want to visit
a mini-poster
with highlights from the video, "Bifurcations in 2D Rotating Magnetoconvection",
which made its debut in November, 1998 at the APS Div. of Fluid Dynamics meeting
in Philadelphia, PA. The visualizations in it were created with the help of the
following undergraduates:
- Adrienne Gvozdich, Cornell University (Fall 1998)
- Michael Katz, Cornell University (Fall 1998)
- Oleg Abramov, Clarkson University (Summer 1998)
Adrienne and Michael put together the final version of the video, building on
the work of Oleg and several other prior students listed below (Bryan, Cooke,
Rudin, Sanders, Wright). This line of research has largely been carried out in
conjunction with SPUR, the erstwhile Supercomputing Program for Undergraduate
Research at the Cornell Theory Center (aka CTC, back when that was our name).
A complete roster of my students from the SPUR era, along with links
to their final project reports, follows.
Modeling Solar Supergranulation, 1997 SPUR project with Justin Boland,
University of Texas at Dallas
Visualization Tools and Parallel Speedup, 1996–97 academic year projects
with Howard Sanders, Cornell University
Dynamics of Solar Magnetoconvection, 1996 SPUR project with Cynthia
Rudin, SUNY at Buffalo
Dynamics of Solar Convection, 1995 SPUR project with Jason Cooke
and Kevin Wright, SUNY at Stony Brook and Montana State University
Rotating Thermal Convection in Astrophysics, 1994 SPUR project
with David Bryan, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Modeling and Visualization of Magnetohydrodynamics, 1992 SPUR project with
Michael Wiltberger, Clarkson University. (Published in CTC's 1993 online
brochure, Discovery: Insights Through Advanced Computing, under the
title, "The Simmering Sun.")
Some favorite links:
- UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
Solar physics
- Solar images at
- NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
- Ulysses
- Science - Primary Mission Results
- Coronal mass ejection (CME) movies from SOHO/LASCO:
- LASCO-C2 movie (222K mpeg) of
April 7, 1997 full-halo coronal mass ejection (CME) event
- LASCO-C3 movie (760K mpeg) of
Dec. 22–27, 1997, with CME's, the galactic center, and a sungrazing comet
- A Virtual Tour of the Sun
- The Sun from
The Nine Planets Solar System Tour
(for a while it was also known as eightplanets.org, after Pluto was demoted!)
- Sun from
Views of the Solar System
- Education at HAO
Space physics
- Space Weather Conditions and
3-Day Forecast
- Current Solar Wind
Conditions from Rice Univ.
- Spaceweather.com
- Auroral Activity Observation
- The Aurora Page at MTU
- Red Sprites and Blue Jets
- Transits of
- Stars and
- Naked Eye Observations
- A 3-year-old's perspective on the dilemma of
daytime vs. nighttime astronomy
- A 4-year-old's speculation on an alternate
terrestrial gravity field
- A 7-year-old's hypothesis on the consequences
of alternate gravity
Pretty old stuff (but maybe still interesting?):
Last updated on 1/21/25 by Steve Lantz (steve.lantz ~at~ cornell.edu)